Anwar engages in phone call with Saudi crown prince, explore bilateral opportunities

Leaders discuss issues of common interest, explore new avenues for development

1:35 PM MYT


NEOM – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim received a phone call yesterday from Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, during which they discussed the two countries’ distinguished bilateral relations as well as opportunities for development. 

“A number of issues of common interest were also discussed,” reported Saudi Press Agency. 

“During the call, distinguished bilateral relations between the two countries and opportunities for developing them were reviewed,” the report said. 

Malaysia and Saudi Arabia established diplomatic ties in 1961. Saudi Arabia is Malaysia’s largest trading partner in the Middle East, with total trade valued at more than US$10 billion (RM47.2 billion) in 2022, and Malaysian officials have been expressing intentions to strengthen ties and explore new areas of cooperation with Saudi Arabia. – October 6, 2023



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