2024 Swiss Open

God’s guidance led us to Swiss Open victory, says Shevon

The victory of Malaysia's mixed doubles pair, Goh Soon Huat-Shevon Lai, at the Swiss Open early this morning is being hailed as a sweet success after years of struggle.

Soon Huat-Shevon finally win Swiss Open after three attempts

Goh Soon Huat and Shevon Lai taste tournament victory after losing two Swiss Open finals in a row

All-Malaysian mixed doubles final at Swiss Open

Chen Tang Jie-Toh Ee Wei to take on Goh Soon Huat-Shevon Lai tonight


Mamak restaurants’ group to sue TikTok user for defaming industry

The Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners’ Association (Presma) will proceed with suing a TikTok user for making defamatory claims about food preparation and cleanliness at mamak restaurants.

Disabled driver assaulted by VIP’s bodyguard received RM800 after ‘pressured’ to drop report

In a statement by DAWN, victim, who was still mourning his child’s death, claims the other option was to proceed and take case to court, which means his phone would be confiscated

Fuad has no right to intervene in Sabah 40% special grant case: Kitingan

Deputy CM asserts that the lawyer has no authority to speak for state govt as he was not appointed