Umno Youth

Umno vs DAP youths: some maturity please, stop calling others stupid, Yii tells Akmal

Young political leaders should push for a more mature democracy and politics, and not show immaturity by resorting to name-calling, said DAP Youth chief Dr Kelvin Yii.

‘I won’t budge despite death threat over KK Mart issue,’ says Umno’s Akmal

Umno Youth wing chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh claims that he has received a death threat over the controversy surrounding the KK Mart convenience store chain and the “Allah”-printed socks.

Put up apology banner, not one on sales featuring Melaka CM, Akmal tells KK Mart

Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh has taken issue with a sales banner featuring Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh being put up at a KK Mart outlet in the state.

Unfair to boycott all non-Muslim businesses because of KK Mart’s ‘insensitivity’: Akmal

Umno Youth has distanced itself from calls to boycott all non-Muslim businesses after the fiasco involving KK Mart’s sale of "Allah"-printed socks.

Umno Youth won’t back down on boycott call, suggests KK Mart ‘find another business’

KK Mart could consider going into other businesses as Umno Youth will continue its call to boycott the chain following the fiasco involving socks being sold with “Allah” written on them, said wing chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh.


Mamak restaurants’ group to sue TikTok user for defaming industry

The Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners’ Association (Presma) will proceed with suing a TikTok user for making defamatory claims about food preparation and cleanliness at mamak restaurants.

[UPDATED] Lazada’s Malaysian office not spared from major layoffs

Employees across various departments at Lazada Malaysia's office have allegedly been informed about an impending meeting with the company's human resources team in the next few days. 

Ex-Lazada top execs create support groups for retrenched staffers

Several former top executives and managers of embattled Lazada have started unofficial support groups to help recently retrenched colleagues in Southeast Asia.